Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Moon Sign based

Capricorn Horoscope

Today might turn out to be a little problematic day for you. You find yourself distracted on major issues which strain you of your energy and leave you "not-so-efficient" at work. You night face tussles not only on a career front but also in your home & personal life which get disturbed. Things might go wrong here and there. Your anxiousness due to the problems faced might color your outlook blue but do not worry as things will look up tomorrow.

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Astrology Planner (30-06-2024)

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  • Business deals

    Favourable day for all kinds of business deals throughout. Lucky day overall.

  • Love & relationships

    Very favorable as mind will be in a positive frame of mind.

  • Money transactions (Loans/Investments)

    Good day for all kinds of monetary deals as well as investments throughout.

  • Speculation in stocks & shares

    Positive day. There will be gains overall (subject to strength of birth chart) in speculation. Long term investments are desirable today.

  • Important letters or email communication

    Quite favorable. There will be harmony in thought and expression, which will bring success in the long term.

  • Journey

    Good day to commence journey throughout the day.

  • Purchase of new house/ car

    Very auspicious and positive for both these activity.

  • Moving into new house

    Positive day. Luck will shine.

  • Gambling

    Positive day. There could be moderate gains. Proceed in moderation.

  • Start new medicine /surgery

    Very favourable for both activities throughout.

  • Initiating legal proceedings /notices

    Good throughout the day. All construction processes will be favorable.

  • Offensive action involving violence or aggression.

    Ineffective throughout the day.

  • Construction/Building activity

    Favorable day. There will be gains.

  • Educational activity /admissions

    Good for academic activity related to vocational studies throughout.
    Very positive throughout.

  • Commence religious ceremonies

    Good day for all such activities throughout the day. Excellent for spiritual progress and growth.

Today's Planetary Positions

- Fairfield, US
Planet Position Rashi Star
Ascendent 21° 4' 53" Tau Rohini
Sun 15° 55' 11" Gem Ardra
Moon 19° 27' 53" Ari Bharani
Mars 22° 6' 28" Ari Bharani
Mercury 3° 57' 7" Can Pushya
Jupiter 14° 7' 18" Tau Rohini
Venus 23° 15' 56" Gem Punarvasu
Saturn(R) 25° 13' 37" Aqu P.Bhadrapada
Rahu(R) 17° 15' 27" Pis Revati
Ketu(R) 17° 15' 27" Vir Hasta
Uranus 1° 32' 34" Tau Krittika
Neptune 5° 43' 59" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Pluto(R) 7° 10' 9" Cap Abhijit

Capricorn Astrology Guide

Capricorns are hard working individuals for whom work takes the center stage. You are goal oriented and go about your business very seriously. You like to be calculative before taking any step. You are foreseers, taking cautious steps before coming to a conclusion. You remain reserved opening up with only a handful of people thus sometimes labeled as cold and unapproachable. You have a desire to reach the top in everything you do. You often have to work hard to attain monetary goals. Your patience and determined efforts give you late but sweet results. You remain practical & logical when it comes to facing hurdles in life. You seek a partner who loves you a lot and understands your deep emotions. You avoid taking shortcuts but make optimum use of resources available to you in reaching your goals. Patience & determination are your biggest assets while you are equally dependable and faithful. You end up being too practical and workaholic at times, which turns out to be your biggest weakness. This affects your ability to strike perfection between work and life....more

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