Career Astrology
Career Consultation with Pt. Onkar Nath

  • Keen to make a change in your career - talk to our Vedic astrologer
  • One-to-one chat with our astrology expert
  • A personal discussion wherein you can discuss career related problems & get astrological solutions

USD 50 / Rs.3000 Order Now

D10 or Dasamsa Chart reading would provide you with an indepth understanding of potential of your career. Would foresee any upsets or roadblocks in future and the periods of rise...


USD 49 / Rs.2940 Order Now
Career Analysis Report

Career Analysis provides the areas of work which can take you to great heights in your career. The methods and the Vedic solutions along with the period of growth...

Career Transit Reading

Career transit reading helps you map the important moves of your career with the favourable periods granted by planets for optimum success. It guides you into when to take the risk and when to lie low in your career to sail through the trouble period...

Career Planner Report

Being in the right line of work can optimize your level of success and achievements. Find out what's your true calling and plan your career for most success...

Finacial Status & Wealth Combination

The Financial Status & Wealth Combination Report is a very detailed report that can help predict  your wealth accumulation potential.


USD 39 / Rs.2340 Order Now
Business Partnership Analysis Report

If you are into a partnership business or forging a new partnership, Business Partnership Analysis Report can help foresee the future of such a partnership & its resultant effect on business.


USD 49 / Rs.2940 Order Now
Career Cartography Reading

  • Need a little career direction?
  • Need help navigating your career?
  • Identify the location, direction or the place which can produce amazing results and can alter your destiny

USD 59 / Rs.2940 Order Now