Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and as it is earth sign, it rules business, organization, or any activity, which requires genuine sincerity with good work commitment. You as a Capricorn student, tend to take your academic studies of any level very seriously, along with full dedication. You attend your classes with full attendance and attention and you work and study hard for your academic exams and submit all your assignments at the stipulated time.
You have a strong sense to defy your inner fear of failure and to overcome this fear you strongly ignore your fun loving nature. It results in you tending to stress yourself, as you have a notion that having fun is not beneficial for good academic success. You are considered as one of the genius in class who attends the lecture with utmost care and attention and not miss any information.
You have the habit of putting extra effort in all your activities and you will not rest until you are through with your academic course. On the other hand, you will also help others to understand the gist of the academic studies properly. You will lead your group with good guidance and leadership qualities in any project, with the collective strength of all your fellow students.
Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, will be placed in 2nd house of relationship and assets, which indicate that you take your academics or your future goals very seriously. You will excel in your future goals. So, you are advised to plan your academic time-table in such a way that you can have some time to unleash your wild nature for little fun and frolic, to keep up your motivation and energy for any academic competition or to loosen up your reflexes for better performance in all aspects of life including your academics.
Your best compatible signs as study partners are Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, and Taurus.