Venus Signs

Planets in Venus Sign

Venus in Aries

Extravagant, active, mutable, artistic, dreamy, idealist, proficient in fine arts, licentious, sorrowful, fickle-minded, prudent, unhappy, irreligious, easy going, loss of wealth due to loose life.

Venus in Taurus

Well built, handsome, pleasing countenance, independent, sensual, love of nature, fond of pleasure, elegant, taste in dancing and music, voluptuous.

Venus in Gemini

Rich, gentle, kind, generous, eloquent, proud, respected, gullible, love of fine arts, learned, intelligent, good logician, just, dual marriage, tendencies towards materialism.

Venus in Cancer

Melancholy, emotional, timid, more than one wife, haughty, sorrowful, light character, inconsistent, unhappy, many children, sensitive, learned.

Venus in Leo

Money through women, pretty wife, wayward, conceited, passionate, fair complexion, emotional, zealous, licentious, attracted by the fair sex, premature in conclusions, superior airs, unvanquished by enemies.

Venus in Virgo

Petty-minded, licentious, unscrupulous, unhappy, illicit love, agile, loquacious, rich, learned.

Venus in Libra

Statesman, poet, intelligent, generous, philosophical, handsome, matrimonial felicity, successful marriage, passionate, proud, respected, intuitive, sensual, wide travels.

Venus in Scorpio

Broad features, quarrelsome, medium statured, independent, artistic, unjust, proud, disappointed in love, haughty, not rich.

Venus in Sagittarius

Medium height, powerful, wealthy, respected, impertinent, generous, frank, happy domestic life, high position, philosophical.

Venus in Capricorn

Fond of low class women, imprudent, ambitious, unprincipled, licentious, boastful, subtle, learned, weak body.

Venus in Aquarius

Liked by all, middle stature, handsome, affable, persuasive, witty, timid, chaste, calm, helpful and humanitarian.

Venus in Pisces

Witty, tactful, learned, popular, just, ingenious, caricaturist, modest, refined, powerful, exalted, respected, pleasure seeking.

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