Mars Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha

Antar Dasha Interpretation



Effect of the Mars Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha


  • Business may be negative and there may be loss of wealth.
  • Friends and brothers may cause pain, wife and children may suffer hardships & there may be enmity towards wicked people.
  • There may be agony due to stomach ailments and sudden pain due to fire or weapons.
  • Beneficence of the king (government), gain of wealth, little gains of land at the commencement of the Dasha and substantial later, birth of a son, conferment of authority by government, gain of cattle, etc.
  • Birth of a son, increase in reputation , beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi, gains of wealth from employees, attainment of the position of a commander of an army, friendship with the king ( cordial relations with high government officials), performance of oblations, gains of clothes and ornaments.
  • Effects like quarrels, tooth trouble, distress from thieves and tigers, fever, dysentery leprosy, and distress to wife and children, etc.
  • Diseases, disgrace, agony and loss of wealth

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