Capricorn Hobbies

Capricorn are very logical, practical, and businesslike, thus it is a very complicated position for Moon, which relates to feelings and emotions. Those born in Capricorn never wear their hearts on their sleeves, often suppress their emotions, hide their feelings, and keep a rigid attitude, which makes them appear as unapproachable or emotionally unavailable. Capricorn always keep their ‘cautious’ gloves on, and take time to build trust. However, deep down, they need to feel loved and crave for a sense of security on both emotional as well as materialistic level. They are lovable and caring creatures who just have trouble showing their softer side.

The following Capricorn Personality Characteristics & Capricorn Horoscope findings are based on the Moon sign, the sign where Moon was positioned at the time of birth. Are you a Capricorn Moon Sign? Find out instantly.

Put laziness to rest

Capricorn are rather methodical and serious, and leisure is not their favorite time. Being workaholics, they would rather prefer to be busy than sit idle. In leisure, they prefer to spend time with family and close friends. For Capricorn kids, the word ‘Play’ is a serious affair. They indulge in activities that are purposeful and structured rather than frivolous and giddy.

You prefer solitude. When you have idle time to spend, you would rather prefer to isolate yourself than chitchat with friends or go for an adventurous trip. Like other intellectual signs, you would rather choose to read. Gaining more knowledge for you means increasing one’s assets. Everything you do is focused towards achieving that end goal, including what you do in time off. Reading classical works particularly interests you, as it requires a certain amount of hard work to master.

Shoot for the stars

As a Capricorn, you love to work alone independently, always looking for better ways to complete a task. A self-starter and a disciplined soul, you are in it win it. Games involving control, precision, and also money in some way are best suited for you such as cards, gambling, shooting pool etc. You don’t base your actions on luck. When you push money on the table, you have the cards as the solid ground. Hard work, attention to detail combined with planning and methodical approach is what helps you win the game. Games involving observation and insight such as chess also appeal to your imagination.

Ride until the wheels fall off

Physically, you are not that muscular, you are rather lean. Capricorn rules knees, joints and bones, thus you are innately driven towards hard work, stamina-oriented activities and long distances. You love to run marathons, because endurance makes you a perfect fit as marathon runner, and for events such as long-distance race, cycling, mountain climbing, gymnastics, golf and others activities involving a menacing goal . It is not the adventure that strikes your imagination but the winning spirit. When you get involved in physical sports, it is either to support your career and reach a better place or to improve yourself.

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