Sasa Yoga Analysis

Sasa Yoga Analysis


Sasa Yoga is formed due to the exceptional strength of Saturn, when it is either in the 1st (ascendant), 4th, 7th or 10th house of your horoscope and is in its own house of Capricorn or Aquarius or in its exaltation sign of Libra.

It is a Maha Purush (Exceptional Human Being) Yoga. According to Vedic Scriptures, there are only 5 powerful planetary combinations that create Maha Purush Yoga and Sasa Yoga is one of them. Hence, this yoga is to be found in the birth chart of only a fortunate few!

A yoga brings about some unique and powerful results for a person, beneficial or maleficent, depending on the horoscope where the yoga resides.


How does Sasa Yoga impact your life?

  • Sasa Yoga blesses you with high rank in professional life and respect in society.
  • It gives you the ability to work with determination, perseverance and persistent efforts, gives you a strong knowledge base and decision-making ability.
  • It helps you realize your true potential and helps you work towards attaining your desired result.
  • Saturn with Sasa Yoga gives you the ability to work with a rich lineage, cultural heritage and valuable knowledge.
  • It gives you a personality that can overpower others.
  • It makes you grounded and highly ambitious at the same time.
  • It gets you the masses’ favour and success in a political career.

What to do if you are blessed with this Yoga?

  • Give value to time and your work, since this is what Saturn wants from you with Sasa Yoga in your horoscope.
  • Accommodate creative work and a balanced approach in your behavior.
  • Help people in need as it will bring you Saturn’s support with Sasa Yoga.
  • Pay attention to your subconscious thoughts that feed your mind with both positive and negative reviews. Consciously control and work on that subconscious information as it will help you to draw out the best.
  • Avoid collecting things or investing your valuable time in things which will not help you in working towards your goal.

Notable personalities with Sasa Yoga in their horoscope

  • Oprah Winfrey (American Talk Show Host & TV Producer)
  • Barack Obama (44th US President)
  • Shah Rukh Khan (Indian Actor)

Why should you order the Sasa Yoga Report?

  • Analyse the exact location & strength of Sasa Yoga in your horoscope. It will help you understand those aspects of your life which have been strengthened by this yoga - you can use that strength to your advantage.
  • Map the strength & timing of effects over the next 5 years.
  • Sasa Yoga carries some flaws as well & the report will help you identify them and work around them.
  • If any negative planet has withheld results, the report will give you methods to work around that.

Helpful Tips:

  • Analyse the quality of Sasa Yoga in your horoscope.
  • Analyse the strength & timing of effects over the next 5 years.
  • Guidance on actions to take & avoid to amplify good effects.
  • If any negative planet has withheld results, method to overcome that.

Report Size:

12 Pages


