Natal Rahu Report


Ancient mythology regards Rahu as a shadowy planet with no real physical existence. It is symbolic of the head of the dragon that was cut by deception. Rahu does not have the sense to distinguish between good and evil and works against the standards of what is considered morally right. It is Rahu’s nature to deceive, tease, give a lot, but also take away even more through deception, illusions and diplomacy.

Hence, Rahu is synonymous with deception. It is a formless planet which is shadowy and acts covertly; but it plays a significant role as it occupies a key position amongst the celestial bodies.

Significance of Rahu in Vedic Natal Astrology

  • Rahu is the vital malefic planet, the root cause of illusion & deception in life.
  • But a positive Rahu can greatly multiply one’s finances and income. It can propel you to the position of head of an organization and make you a king.
  • Rahu makes you involved in material and earthly matters; manifests focus where you are most likely to put your efforts. But in all this, it can also represent insatiable desires. It will be a challenge, but one should curb or control desires to find some balance in life.
  • Rahu can create extreme love that can be obsessive, morally corrupt lustful desires, material desires based on greed and obsession.
  • Within the body, Rahu, when badly placed, can cause extreme expansion in cells which manifest as obesity and malignancy in tissues.
  • A positive Rahu can clear up your path for unprecedented gains.
  • Rahu can drive a person’s imagination crazy; can make you attain political fame and instant stardom if you are in the performing arts.

Why should you order a Natal Rahu Report?

It is one of the most useful reports prepared with a focus on the following:

  • Highlight aspects of your life that will grow or face challenges due to Rahu.
  • Highlight areas of strength & weaknesses connected with Rahu.
  • Highlight the energy & EQ (or the deficiency of it) that Rahu brings to your horoscope & your character.
  • Highlight special Yogas that Rahu participates in your horoscope, both positive & negative.
  • Suggestions on how to use Rahu’s energy for yourself.
  • Highlight the number associated with Rahu’s strength, its waxing & waning strength.
  • Remedies to mitigate Rahu’s effects on you.

Helpful Tips:

  • Highlight aspects of your life that will grow or face challenges due to Rahu.
  • Highlight the energy & EQ (or the deficiency of it) that Rahu brings to your horoscope & your character.
  • Highlight special Yogas that Rahu participates in your horoscope, both positive & negative.
  • Suggestions on how to use Rahu’s energy for yourself.
  • Remedies

Report Size:

12 Pages


